

  • 主演:内详  
  • 导演:潘礼德  
  • 分类:欧美动漫
  • 地区:其它
  • 年份:2022
  • 更新:HD
  • 简介:  A megalith rises from a sandy desert – or rather, a scale model of such a landscape. “I am the archive”, says a young female voice while ominous st..
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  A megalith rises from a sandy desert – or rather, a scale model of such a landscape. “I am the archive”, says a young female voice while ominous string music nails viewers to their seats. This opening sets the stage for the narrative and figurative language of Rithy Panh’s dense mnemonic essay which uses stunning dioramas to tell a twenty-first century dystopian story. After a century of genocidal ideologies and destructive speciesism, animals have enslaved humans and taken over the world. In a wave of hope, the statues of the past have been removed but new ones are being erected to suppress the will of the people. This is now a planet of apes, boars and lions, and a zoological revolution is reversing and recreating the atrocities of the 20th century. As animal figures watch the film archives of our world, it feels as if Lumière has been transported into a film by Méliès or Willis H. O’Brien. We are all well aware that history repeats itself first as tragedy, then as a farce. The time has now come for this farce, in which “political language inhabits our dreams and consumes us”, to allow the possibility of a “graceful and tender insubordination” to emerge.

【一切安好2022】是由潘礼德执导的欧美动漫、内详  主演的法语动漫、在2022年拍摄、其它上映优酷网、腾讯视频、爱奇艺以及高清线路、m3u8线路观看、等高清视频播出、奇热影视提供了一切安好2022动漫、一切安好2022高清完整版、一切安好2022免费在线观看、并且还可以支持手机高清免费观看,不需要下载播放器、方便广大影迷们欣赏。


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