

  • 主演:内详  
  • 导演:Elise  Swerhone  
  • 分类:纪录片
  • 地区:加拿大
  • 年份:2010
  • 更新:DVD无字
  • 简介:  Through the eyes of 9 young girls from around the world, TuTu Much is the behind-the-scenes story of what it takes to become a dancer. These girls ..
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  Through the eyes of 9 young girls from around the world, TuTu Much is the behind-the-scenes story of what it takes to become a dancer. These girls have been given the chance of a lifetime, a four week long summer audition to get into a professional ballet school. Which girl will prove to be the dancer they are looking for? Who will have the passion, the drive and the endurance to make it? And will she and her family be ready to make the sacrifices? TuTu Much gives us all a rare look at 9 remarkable girls and a summer that no one will ever forget.
【芭蕾女孩】是由Elise Swerhone执导的纪录片、内详  主演的英语电影、在2010年拍摄、加拿大上映优酷网、腾讯视频、爱奇艺以及高清线路、m3u8线路观看、等高清视频播出、奇热影视提供了芭蕾女孩电影、芭蕾女孩高清完整版、芭蕾女孩免费在线观看、并且还可以支持手机高清免费观看,不需要下载播放器、方便广大影迷们欣赏。


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